
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Photography: An Old Banyan Tree and a Pon at an Old Village

These are shots taken at Dhryala Segan (Tehsil Gojar Khan, District Rawalpindi), an old village. Here you can see a big old bayan tree and a vast pond that looks like a lake.

Raag Lopton: AComic Essay by Jawad

I have started writing shot comic essays and this is one of them.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Few Shots of My Garden

A Few Shots of My Garden

A Short Visit to Ser Jalal Khan with My Friend Faheem Mirza

Ser Jalal is situated near Shahabuddin Ghori's Tomb at Kot Dhamiak )a historical village of district Jehlum)


Hi! I am here with my muses

Saturday, January 22, 2011