
Thursday, June 28, 2007




According to the medieval concept of knighthood the person who goes on the expedition to safeguard the truth and remains firm on the right path is knight. He is brave, chivalric, respecting and regardful for others.

                Latter on the people making reparable achievements for some noble cause were knighted by the British governments. There has been no discrimination of country or creed or religion. Many people from India, Muslims and Hindus were knighted and have been called ' Sir'  

                Michael Hot writes the  name of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) on the top of hundred great men. He has given his objective and just opinion through considering the Holy Prophet the greatest person ever born in the world.

                Muhammad ( PBUH ) has been considered the greatest law giver by British.

                Then comes a sudden change in this country. The people who consider themselves very civilized, cultured and moderate give refuge to a person who commits blasphemy against the Holy Muhammad ( PBUH ). Their claims about respecting human rights and regarding the feelings and beliefs of human beings faded away as the beautiful rainbow vanishes from the blue sky when they knighted that hellish Rushdi.

                It is fact that British who are men of intellect and reason are not in the favour of this decision, but the total image of Britain has been spoiled in Muslim communities.

                The gulf between nations and religions is being widened. There is a great hatred in Muslims for the west because it is a common opinion or though among them that the west is attacking on their religion. Besides Iraq and Afghan wars blasphemous sketches in Norway and, now, this decision of giving the title of sir to hellish Rushdi is enough to ignite the hatred and anger in the Muslims.

                The question is why this devil has been knighted by Britain government?. Has he done some remarkable thing in the service of mankind?

Is he a great and worth remembering scholar?

Can a person who disregards the sentiments, feelings and beliefs of a large number of people for nothing be a hero ?

Can he be considered a chivalric knight?

No, nothing.

All he has done is hellish and devilish thing.

The British who regards the sentiments and comfort of animals ignore the sentiments and beliefs of more than one billion of the people of the world.

                Our Holy Muhammad ( PBUH ) is   an ideal and hero among the non- Muslims. But the devil who writes against him is knighted by the British government. Those who back up a devil, give refuge to him and encourage him for his hellish deeds know well the definition of themselves.

                We know that the good natured British are not in the favour of this decision , but they should protest strongly against this unfair and unjust act of honoring a devil. British government is on Devil's party because they are not ready to reverse their decision and seek pardon of Muslim world.

                The whole world, especially the west is crying against the suicide bombing by the Muslim militants . They have the agenda to fight and eradicate the terrorism. But they are showing their negligence to   the roots and causes of all this which is terrorism in their opinion. They are igniting the flames of hatred and annoyance in the Muslim world.

                The Muslims must through   the titles of 'sir' to the face of British government demonstrate strong protest against this decision. There is an important thing to be kept in mind that this decision has been made by the British government and not by the Christianity. So the protest should be against the British government.


Jawad Iqbal Jawad