
Thursday, August 2, 2007

Smile Forever!

Smile Forever!

You are to smile forever


Like a fresh pink flower


When dew torches its soft petals


Fresh, smiling it get settles


Like ripples on charming streams


Like the tender orange sunbeams


Joys to shine your gorgeous eyes


Like stars twinkling in skies


Live like a chirping bird full of delight


That sings its full heart in moonlight


You know not how precious you are!


Not like a diamond, sapphire or a star


But   hope, love and immortal pleasure


A blessing God made my treasure

Jawad Iqbal Jawad

Thursday, June 28, 2007




According to the medieval concept of knighthood the person who goes on the expedition to safeguard the truth and remains firm on the right path is knight. He is brave, chivalric, respecting and regardful for others.

                Latter on the people making reparable achievements for some noble cause were knighted by the British governments. There has been no discrimination of country or creed or religion. Many people from India, Muslims and Hindus were knighted and have been called ' Sir'  

                Michael Hot writes the  name of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH ) on the top of hundred great men. He has given his objective and just opinion through considering the Holy Prophet the greatest person ever born in the world.

                Muhammad ( PBUH ) has been considered the greatest law giver by British.

                Then comes a sudden change in this country. The people who consider themselves very civilized, cultured and moderate give refuge to a person who commits blasphemy against the Holy Muhammad ( PBUH ). Their claims about respecting human rights and regarding the feelings and beliefs of human beings faded away as the beautiful rainbow vanishes from the blue sky when they knighted that hellish Rushdi.

                It is fact that British who are men of intellect and reason are not in the favour of this decision, but the total image of Britain has been spoiled in Muslim communities.

                The gulf between nations and religions is being widened. There is a great hatred in Muslims for the west because it is a common opinion or though among them that the west is attacking on their religion. Besides Iraq and Afghan wars blasphemous sketches in Norway and, now, this decision of giving the title of sir to hellish Rushdi is enough to ignite the hatred and anger in the Muslims.

                The question is why this devil has been knighted by Britain government?. Has he done some remarkable thing in the service of mankind?

Is he a great and worth remembering scholar?

Can a person who disregards the sentiments, feelings and beliefs of a large number of people for nothing be a hero ?

Can he be considered a chivalric knight?

No, nothing.

All he has done is hellish and devilish thing.

The British who regards the sentiments and comfort of animals ignore the sentiments and beliefs of more than one billion of the people of the world.

                Our Holy Muhammad ( PBUH ) is   an ideal and hero among the non- Muslims. But the devil who writes against him is knighted by the British government. Those who back up a devil, give refuge to him and encourage him for his hellish deeds know well the definition of themselves.

                We know that the good natured British are not in the favour of this decision , but they should protest strongly against this unfair and unjust act of honoring a devil. British government is on Devil's party because they are not ready to reverse their decision and seek pardon of Muslim world.

                The whole world, especially the west is crying against the suicide bombing by the Muslim militants . They have the agenda to fight and eradicate the terrorism. But they are showing their negligence to   the roots and causes of all this which is terrorism in their opinion. They are igniting the flames of hatred and annoyance in the Muslim world.

                The Muslims must through   the titles of 'sir' to the face of British government demonstrate strong protest against this decision. There is an important thing to be kept in mind that this decision has been made by the British government and not by the Christianity. So the protest should be against the British government.


Jawad Iqbal Jawad

Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Star is Mine

The way is smooth and plan

Then what is there hitting my feet

Blue horizon with shining star in her lap

Smiles to me ,but what is there with my heart

Getting indifferent to her

That is far off but mine

A sense of dejection

Deserts the flame

Of love and effort

My love deception ?

My feelings fake?

No I love her

I push back the earth to meet her

Nothing  is there to stop me

The star in her lap is mine

Jawad Iqbal Jawad

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Where Did the PTV Compeers Go?

' Theatre is the mirror of the society' , says Dr. Johnson. Theatre was the only media of that age. With the passage of time the form of media changed, but its function and purpose remained the same. This purpose and function is to educate the people with providing recreation to them. Electronic media, especially television plays a very affective role of influencing the way of thinking and manners of a nation. Usually it is considered and is true as well that PTV is watched by the majority of our people because of its wide coverage and traditional way of performance. People learn many things from PTV. An anchor person or a compere of TV is watched and copied by the viewers and listeners. His way of talking and performance influences the people.

PTV has produced exemplary figures in the realm of compering like Tariq Aziz, Naeem Bukhari, Moeen Akhtar and Mustansar Hussaain Tarar. These anchor persons taught the viewers how to speak and express themselves. Their brightened performance comes out of their knowledge and their learning. They have a recognized literary importance. Mustansar Hussain Tarar has not only been the Chacha in morning transmission, but he is also a novelist and travelogue writer. In our childhood we would wait for Chacha Mustansar on our TV in the morning. Apart from him there were also people whom we try to copy in conversation and way of expression.

                   But unfortunately, now there is an enormous decay in the field of compering. The people who are coming as comperes and anchor persons in many programmes of PTV are not eligible for this job of responsibility and seriousness. They do not even know how to speak. Their performance remains shallow because of lack of knowledge and learning. The most intolerable thing happened in this regard is Anglicization of Urdu. They speak a very strange language which is acceptable and comprehensible for a minority of the people. In other words they are destroying our own national language. Apart from this debate there is no seriousness in their attitude. Their questions and conversation to the guests are not apt, but childish and sometimes silly.

                   Especially the programmes broadcast during Ramazan Mubarak were pitiable as far as comperes were concerned. There was only Shamoon Hashmi who performed aptly and accordingly. In one programme Khursheed Ahmed, a renowned Naat performer, was invited. The compere was constantly calling Qari Sahib. He corrected her that he is not a qari because it is a different and vast field that needs special attention and devotion. But she said that she called Naat performers qari  sahib . At the end of the programme, Kursheed Ahmed Sahib performed a Naat Sharif. He read the Maqtah in which the name of the poet is mentioned. The compere asked a  funny rather a silly question,

' Qauri Sahib yeh Naat ap nay likhi hay?'

That Naat was also very popular,

'Yeh sab tumhara karam hay aaqa keh baa tab tak bani owi hay..'

This shows the knowledge and observation of our new and young comperes.

We request the responsible authorities of PTV to reform all this and to present learned comperes and real presenters on the screen of our TV. We want to see the revival of the golden era of PTV and it is not difficult. There must be merit for the selection of comperes and nacre persons. There are well literate and well learned young lot who can revive the tradition of actual compering. They will be able to educate the young generations how to think and how to speak.


Jawad Iqbal Jawad


A Word to His Holiness

His Holiness Pope Benedict declares that Islam was spread through the power of sword and he finds Muslims terrorists and this philosophy of Jihad has been presented by the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad ( PBUH). I want to bring some historical facts before illumined Pope. Our Holy Prophet ( PBUH) has taught us tolerance and the lesson of brotherhood. Especially with the Christians the followers of Muhammad (PBUH) have been very friendly and regarding.

                   Your Holiness!  Those were the days when Muslims were under the extreme suppression of the unbelievers of Mecca and the Persians defeated the Romans who were Christians . The Muslims were grieved at the defeat of their Christian brethren. Allah Almighty sent good news of the victory of Romans in the Holy Quran and Muslims were very glad at that news, through the unbelievers who were their relatives made fun of them. After Hijrah when Romans defeated the Persians this was a matter of joy and relief for the Muslims. Your Holiness! Our Prophet ( PBUH ) taught us to be friendly with the Christians. Our religion tells us that the Christians may have soft corner for us among the peoples of the whole world.

                   Your Holiness! When the staunch fellow of the Holy Prophet ( PBUH ) and the second Caliph of Islam, Umer ( May God be pleased with him ) conquered Palestine    and Aqsa Mosque there was no blood shed and no casualty  there and the enlightened and illumined Christians delivered the keys of Aqsa to the Muslims and embraced Islam. His Holiness! This is the way Islam spreads and the pious hearts accept the holy light of Islam.

His Holiness! Our Allah says in the  Holy Quran,




' There is no compulsion in religion. '

(Al Baqra )

We take arms against those who spoils the peace and make mischief on the earth and we know that Allah does not love the transgressors. Muslims and Christians can be on friendly terms in the world as they have been united in Lebanon against Israelites     and why are you spoiling and destroying these friendly relations by your harsh remarks against the Prophet of Islam and philosophy of Jihad?

                   Your Holiness! You only defend and clarify your point of views but do not seek apology from the grieved Muslims of the world. The Muslims cannot tolerate any impertinence against their Prophet ( PBUH ) Seeing any thing against the Holy Prophet is to enkindle the fury of his followers. Holy sir, you are the follower of Holy Christ who taught tolerance, patience and love for humanity and you are hurting billions of Muslims. You consider it against your prestige and honor to seek apology. You are not ready to return your words which were full of poison. Pope John Paul started a very appreciable and positive movement to create friendly relations between Muslims and Christians but you are spoiling his efforts.

Your Holiness we remind you the lesson of tolerance, humility and patience preached by the Holy Christ.


Jawad Iqbal Jawad


The People Who Gave us the Light of Love& Peace

The firmament of Islamic history is lighted with many a bright stars who have given us the light of guidance. They, by their excellent and exemplary character and personality, have taught us how to lead a life full of love and harmony.


They suffered from hardships and turmoil but remained firm and on the right path shown by our Holy Prophet Sirat-Mustaqeem'. But inspire of all these painful conditions they did not leave the policy of patience and love for their brethren.


Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal ( May God be Merciful with them ) have shown a very good example of patience and firm resolution for the righteousness. Both of them were put into prison and were badly tortured. Hazrat Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal was flogged to death because of his firm belief in the actual spirit and concept of the Holy Quran.


That great scholar remained unshakable even when he was tied with the legs of an elephant and flogged daily. When he was near to meet his Lord he was asked about the people responsible for his tragic end he said that they are not aware of actual thing and that's all. Ultimately his funeral came out of the prison and he became a living legend of patience and tolerance.  


He was against the sect' Mutazillah' According to that sect Quran was the creature of God and not His word. Every creature of God is bound to die or to be demolished. It meant that Quran would be worn out with the passage of time an that belief negated the Quranic statement ' Indeed we revealed this book and we are to protect it.


Abbasids were in the favor of that sect and their belief. The true Islamic scholars stood against that wrong concept. The leading personality of that age was Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal and he was put behind the bar and was tortured brutally.


Those people were not ordinary, but had a great fame and reputation among their contemporary society. They were Imams and were followed by the people. They remained firm but did not revolt against the government. They know that their rulers are not fair or not on the right path.


But they did not adopt the way of violence and revolt. They show the people what is right and what I wrong. But they did not arouse hated and revolt among the masses. They showed the difference rather discrepancy between the right and the wrong.


They could arouse people against the rulers and he government. Bu they knew that such revolts and rebellions cause the massacre and the bloodshed. They did not want to cause the murders of innocent people.


The message they gave through their firm belief devotion and patience became a movement and an undfeatable power. They defeated the wrong through their sacrifice. Shekh Ahmed Bin Hanbal, Abu Hanifa and their follwers who suffered from brutality are alive and living legends and their opponents are no more worth mentioning.


If you feel that our rulers are not on the right path it does not mean that you should revolt against them, violate the laws and regulations.


If you are true and on the right path you must be firm on our beliefs and can spread the word of truth and righteousness but  are not to break the laws and regulations or to arouse rebellions among the people causing hatred and extremism which is resulted in nothingness except destruction and bloodshed.


If you are a religious leader you are supposed to be more responsible to serve the truth and the true spirit of Islam.


The Protection of truth and Islam is with Allah Almighty. We are supposed to serve all this for our own benefit. Our actual benefit is there in Allah's will. Since you are a religious scholar you are the follower of the illumined souls like Imam Amed Bin Hnbal, Imam Abu Hinifa and their companions.


We have to be one in spreading the tue message of Islam; love, peace, patience and tolerance for all humanity and projecting the actual image of Islam before the rest of the world.  We are bound to follow the people whom we consider our guide, our Imams and our light.


Jawad Iqbal Jawad


Something Strange


What is there in my heart

I don't know

Something teasing

As a child of six months

Whom you cannot scold

He wants something

And you don't know

You listen to his weeping

Whether you like it or not

You try to comfort him

But it is unfruitful

There is uneasiness around me

Or may be it is within myself

Something chilly something icy

How can I express it

How can I name it

It is riddle unsolved

Something strange

Something teasing


Jawad Iqbal Jawad



Where Are Tears


Thousands of them

Gazing the starry sky

The eyes are full of horror

Hearts are teaming with sorrow

They are silent

Not weeping or mourning

On the deaths of their loved ones

They are silent

Hungry , wounded

Under the cold black roof

Stars are shining

But the light is not enough

To brighten the Hope

They are silent

Not crying , not weeping

Where are tears

That lighten the heart

That lessen the sorrow

The stony eyes

Without tears

Two Stanzas


Jawad Iqbal Jawad


Beauty Lives Here


Hills, Valleys,  Brooks , Meadows

Where nature springs beauty

Where pines sing murmuring songs

The birds keep abreast the duty

The sky adores the snowy Mountains

The moon comes to kiss the   lakes

The songs, the colors ,, the blooms , the fumes

The land Flora her dwelling makes


Jawad Iqbal Jawad


Something Within


Difficult to define

But easy to refine

The passion of heart

The reflection of thought

The words to express

The words o confess

But frozen like snow

How I melt them

Make tem a river

What though tears

Wet my nights

Like dew drops do

A flow of from heart

A flow of thought


One being loved loves

One being hated hates

Bowl of honey gives you honey

A thorny glade spoils silky clocks


Jawad Iqbal Jawad


Melted Heart


To swallow the melted heart

What you say?


So difficult and so torturing

Blood sweet for me?

No I am a human made of flesh and blood

How can I do it

I am not to drink

My own Heart Melted

With sorrow and melancholy

It flows from eyes

And stirs my poor Soul

Perhaps purifying it

But I am not

To be desperate

I own His fellowship

Immortal and everlasting


Jawad Iqbal Jawad


What We Have

Beyond the world of Words

Like the Chirping Birds

Making the music o reality

Ambition filled with sanity

Energy for Arch action

To satisfy the Ambition

Love for making  the tremendous

Forming the worth peerless

Here's devotion with its essence

That lights up the lamp of excellence

What we think is miraculous


Jawad Iqbal Jawad






Monday, April 23, 2007



Let me say a word to show

The spark lightening in my heart

Incense, a hymn or a lightening bow

Holy love that has my soul caught


It leads me through darkling nights

When moon goes below the sky

And whispering silence scorns and bites

When burning sorrows want to cry


This is the love you adore to me

To raise my hopes and yearnings high

Let me say a word to thee

Chirping like a lark in sky


Smiles, sniffles, and sighs of thine

With all their dusky tones are mine


Jawad Iqbal Jawad

Destiny of Our Heroes


Destiny of Our Heroes



History is the biography of great people who sacrifice their comfort rather than their self for their cause and mission and it is the duty of other people to pay honour and homage to them for their great work. Great nations keep their heroes and their message alive forever. History of Islam is brightened and lightened by many such great people. But unfortunately the maltreatment and in some cases brutal acts with great people is also present in our history.

                   The land of Indus weeps blood when it sees the brutality being destined to its savior and Andataa Hazrat Muhammad Bin Qasim on   Arabian sands. The greatness and bravery of that pious young man is ignored and he is dropped into the fire of some old revenge which has been there in Arab blood for centuries. The conqueror of Spain Moosa Bin Nusair is put behind the bars in his old   age because of the same reason. Khalifa Salaman does not like him and puts him in prison. In his old age he was received by Salman the head of his brave   and pious son Abdul Aziz and pious Aziz would spend the night praying and during the day fighting in the name of Allah. . But the pious man was killed for nothing.

                   In the same way Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal was brutalized resulting in his tragic death. Imam Abu Hanifa was imprisoned and tortured. Yes! They were our heroes who were humiliated and brutalized for their glory and dignity. They serve Islam and followers of Islam but they were given punishment instead of paying them gratitude.

          On the other hand the people against whom our heroes defend us confer the real honour to their heroes. They can crown them and make them sit on the royal chair.

                   It is a very strange thing that we do not want to see our heroes dying and it is expressed through our dastans and our films as well. A Punjabi film hero gets hundreds of bullets in his breast but survives and kills all of his enemies who may   be in hundreds. But in the real world we care neither for honour nor their lives. We crush them as if they were our enemies or the agents of enemies. Our protectors, our benefactors and our saviours are brutalized and tortured instead of being honoured and regarded.

                   When we see the heroes of our films we want to be heroes because we see that ultimately we will achieve our longings and purposes as heroes. Death and torturing hands cannot touch us. But when we see the ultimate destiny of our real heroes we have to give up the idea of being heroes like Hazrat Muhammad Bin Qasim, Tariq Bin Ziad and and Moosa Bin Nusair. We become afraid of mental and physical torture. We fear to be imprisoned in our homes where we may be caught by blood cancer. We are afraid of being accused as culprits and traitors instead of being honoured as national heroes. We fear the separation from our friends, our relatives and our loved ones.

                   But heroes never die. They live in the hearts of people. If we want to have great and shining people in our society we will have to give honor and homage to them. Otherwise Allah Almighty may deprive us of the illumination and real leadership.  



Monday, April 16, 2007

Little Lamb ! Who Killed Thee

Little Lamb! Who Killed Thee ?


If the mystic poet William Blake were living in the present age he would definitely write

Little Lamb !Who killed thee'

Little Lamb !Who killed thee'

Little Lamb I ll' tell thee

Little Lamb I ll' tell thee

The one who  defies God

The one who is brute

The one who is coward

Palestinians and Lebanese are being brutalized by the powerful cowards devoid of humanity and principle. They have power of weapons an media to target the innocence. The story  of little lamb killed and swallowed by the cruel wolf rightly symbolize the people being killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and  the most recently in Lebanon. A little innocence goes on a stream for drinking water and is overcome by a cruel wolf. The wolf blames the lamb for abusing him the last year. The lamb tells him that he is only three months old. The wolf says that the impertinent lamb would be his father who was killed for his impertinence. Innocent lamb again explains that his father was sacrificed   on Eid-ul-Azha. On  this point the wolf attacks the lamb and killed because he has to do this out of his instinct.

Afghanistan was punished for Alqaida, Iraq for Suddaam Hussain and now Lebanon is being targeted for Hezbollah . Being the super power of the world USA consider it her duty to establish democracy in all over the world. Afghanistan and Iraq are bestowed with this blessing and the democratic governments in these two countries are right powers according to American point of view. America wanted to see democracy in Palestine in the result of fair election. According to an estimate USA spent about twenty billion dollars to keep away Hammas from governing Palestine. But opposite to all expectations of her Hammas came into power and it was considered necessary to punish Hammas for this insolence of being elected by the majority of Palestinians.  First it is  demanded by America that there should be a democratic government in Palestine and then justly and fairly elected government does not qualifies the American standards. It means that in all respects Palestinians are to be punished because they are lambs.  Besides this Hezbollah is also enemy of Israel because they show resistance against Israel when she victimizes armless innocent Palestinians. This is the peak of bravery demonstrated by Israelites that against armless and homeless men, women and children they use tanks and rockets. On the other hand the people throwing stones on these tanks are culprits, enemies of peace process and terrorists.

America  considers it the right of Israel to crush Hezbollah to make her defense solid and invincible, though innocent people lose their lives and their  homes. More over America has offered more weapons to Israel. Israeli children write messages on the rockets and missiles fired on Lebanon. They don't know the miseries of the children effected by these  devilish gifts. The whole world remains silent as snow lying on sky touching mountains which forget weeping lest   the wolves go away in streams coming from those mountains. According to official reports amore than seven hundred people including two third of the total number have lost their lives during the recent attacks. UN   and other human rights organizations seem dead bodies doing nothing for the sorrowed humanity.  Only a few protests and rallies are observed to show solidarity with the victims of violence. Tears and blood spoil the sprinkling smiles but no one goes ahead to stop this transgression.    Actually this war is between innocence and  brutality or between wolf and lamb. If the lamb were strong enough to defend himself against the cruelty and brutality the brute and offensive wolf would not attack him. William Blake would write beautiful and melodious songs when there was no brutality and barbarism around him. He would think about the creation of God Almighty. He would see the existence of Holy Spirit in creatures and creation. If  he saw these  extreme atrocities against the crown of creation because of innocence he would definitely sigh out the question'

Little Lamb !Who killed thee'

Jawad Iqbal Jawad